I just found out that self titled
"Christian Porn Star" Monica Foster went postal on adult industry veteran Julie Meadows on December 17 a la
twitter. In her
blog post about it Julie goes into greater detail on the whole affair but I am just going to post a few of Foster's tweets here with a few thoughts.
1. How original! Typical
slut shaming tactic of calling Julie a "whore" keeping the stigmatization of sex workers alive and well and oppressive to us all.
2. Julie does drugs? I don't know if she does but so what if she did? I don't support the criminalization of drugs & I don't support this failed war on drugs that has made a war zone out of the Southern colonial imposed border of the U.S.
3. Let's say for argument sake they were drug addicts. Is Foster not aware that addiction is a disease? For Ms. Foster's information I am a drug addict and have been sober for 16 years and counting. Would Ms. Foster use any other disease against someone? If someone had cancer would Ms. Foster say, "Don't listen to so-n-so. SHE HAS CANCER?" FFS
4. He "pimps" her out? As far as I have seen, Doug has been a supportive and loving partner to Julie. This is the most common go to tactic when attacking a sex worker/former sex worker who speaks his or her mind about the pros and cons of the sex industry. The main purpose of this tactic is to separate that sex worker from their support system just like an abusive domestic partner who doesn't want you to talk to your own mother. Unsurprising that Foster is using it.
Ok, do I even really need to touch this one? They're "TERRORISTS?!?!?!?!" For real Monica? Is that what Jesus told you? Oh sweetie. I know that whole porn wikileaks thing was hard on you but you
seriously need to step away from the keyboard honey. You're losing it and in the process you are attempting to appeal to some antisemitism you perceive exists in all of us. No honey, that's just you...and it's called racism. And before you try and go there, yes black people can be racist too. Next she's gonna tell us it's the
Ummmmm, hmmmmm. The KKK AND Israelis having a "let's all unite through ALLLLLLL our differences to come after Monica-fest"...ummmmm.
Monica you truly are an agent for Jesus in this world. You have managed to do what no human has been able to do for like...ever. You got white supremacists and Jews to look past their differences and unite for the common good of the world.
Monica...maybe YOU'RE the second coming of Jesus. Have you ever thought of that? I think you should tell us about it. Go ahead hun. We're all listening.
Julie I hope you're reading this. I sincerely hope that if you choose to turn away from your work on sex industry issues it's not because of this religious, fundo-nut bag. If you need to do you girl I respect and support that 100%. BUT if MONICA is the final straw for you just take a break and come back with a clear head cause I guarantee you love; anyone can see she's a nut job.
IMO, you don't need to drive yourself nuts trying to do damage control for her bullshit about you. You don't need to spend time and money fighting her lies. You don't need to refute anything she says or pay any attention to her bullshit at all.
We see it. We know it.
(tweet from 2/9/12 as I was writing this post)
Now just move on with your life however you see fit leaving her far behind while she writes your name over and over on the walls of her room with her own feces.